
OZ Designer

User Guide for OZ e-Form Designer

Provides OZ e-Form Designer’s usage and describes how to create electronic form using OZ e-Form components.

User Guide for OZ Query Designer

Provides OZ Query Designer’s usage and describes how to set database connection information and create query statements.

OZ Viewer

User Guide

Provides a way to run OZ Viewer on Windows, iOS and Android. Also describes detailed instructions for using the parameters, functions, and events that can set the OZ Viewer execution option.

Customer Guide for OZ ActiveX Viewer

Describes how to save electronic form in other formats such as PDF and SVG for customers using ActiveX Viewer. Also describes how to print and email electronic form.

Customer Guide for OZ HTML5 Viewer

Describes how to save electronic form in other formats such as PDF and SVG for customers using HTML5 Viewer. Also describes how to print and email electronic form.

OZ Server

User Guide for OZ Server

Provides a way to run OZ Server. Also describes detailed instructions for using properties files to set OZ Server execution options.

User Guide for OZ Scheduler

Provides a way to run OZ Scheduler. Also describes detailed instructions for using properties files to set OZ Scheduler execution options.

API Reference for Java Developers

Provides APIs to control OZ Server, OZ Scheduler, OZ Server Repository, and more for Java application developers.

API Reference for .NET Developers

Provides APIs to control OZ Server, OZ Scheduler, OZ Server Repository, and more for .NET application developers.


User Guide for OZ Enterprise Manager

Describes how to set the execution options of OZ Server. Also describes how to create and manage tasks that can save/print/email electronic form at specific times by connecting to OZ Scheduler.

User Guide for OZ Repository Manager

Describes how to upload electronic form to the server repository and manage the history of changes to electronic documents through the checkout/check-in process.

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